Wednesday, April 4, 2012

SOULFIRE-A Book of Mormon Novel

Dear Followers,
I am taking a break from regularly scheduled poetry to offer a sneak preview of this amazing picture of the cover of my newest book, Soulfire. Amy Orton of Walnut Springs Press did an amazing job, don't you think?
Look for the release date coming soon!!!


  1. Wow! I get to put this on my blog? So excited!

  2. What a lovely girl, and I love the building in the background.

  3. Love the cover. It fits your genre very nicely. =D

  4. I know, huh? Amy Orton of Walnut Springs press does such a fabulous jobs. And Yes, Shaunna, won't it look lovely on your blog? ;-)
    RaShelle...the funny thing about your comment is I find myself asking myself (call me crazy but sometimes I answer myself) "What genre do I write again? My platform, as I'm building it, is I'm telling an inspirational story! Or something like that. Still tweaking it. :D

  5. I love this cover, it is so vivid.
    Looking forward to reading this book.

    1. I hope you'll enjoy it. If you do, I'd really appreciate a review on Goodreads or Deseret Book or Amazon or your blog if you're so entitled! You've kind of been around since Soulfire's inception.

  6. Very striking-I want to read it. Congrats Betsy!

    1. I hope you will! And I'd love to have you review it!

  7. Thanks Margaret and Diony. I'm excited for it's release! Some time the end of this week and then an other week or so before it hits the shelves. I'm so doing the happy dance here!!!

  8. Great cover! I like that it shows the ancient building as well as the striking woman. Nice Job! BTW- I'd love to review it if you need more reviewers.

    1. What's your website? I'd love to go check it out. Thanks for visiting.

    2. My blog is www.renaeswritespotDOTblogspotDOTcom
      I'm getting a B of M novel ready to submit and I'm interested in any tips you might have. Is the market for these getting any better now?

    3. Renae, from what my editor tells me, they are quite popular and sell well as long as you have a good story to tell. Good Luck!
